Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Remote Data Backup

The term remote backup data is used in two senses. One concerns the storage of data on CDs and cassettes and transporting them to remote offices. The other is about the use of online backup to data to remote installations. Individuals and companies can either of the methods. However, online backup has certain advantages over the traditional method of transport of data on physical offices.Data remote backup is essential to prevent the loss of productivity due to lost data. Data can be lost during the planned system upgrades or because of system failure, theft, fire, virus attack, and a variety of other reasons. A backup on your own computer is useless in the case of these events. It is therefore necessary to store data in remote locations. The traditional method is still followed by many companies. But it is expensive because backup personnel, transport, and well-equipped offsite warehouses to be. It also takes time to change tapes, backup and staff may not be available on weekends and holidays for this task. Similarly, data recovery from the camp can be difficult, on weekends and holidays. Online data backup is gradually replacing the traditional method. It can be used for both laptops and computers. In this method, an individual or a company commissioned the services of a company, client stores data in remote locations, using on-line data backup. An Internet connection is all what the client needs. Software is installed, the service provider, with the installation take less than an hour. The data are either transferred, as they are created or modified, or at a scheduled time, daily. In this type of remote data backup solution, data is encrypted so, the service providers do not have access to the client data. In addition, several versions of a file for recovery. Data transmission is monitored and managed recovery of IT professionals is located on the remote system. These remote facilities are equipped with network equipment, UPS, generators, and fire protection tools. Since the service is available around the clock, the data can be restored, even on weekends and holidays. In addition, the data can be accessed during the trip and at the customer sites. The work can also be shared between home and office locations. Online Data Backup provides detailed information on the data backup, online data backup, data backup services, data backup storage and more. Online Data Backup is affiliated with Computer Data Storage.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

What Is Really Behind Your PC s Poor Performance

Keeping a computer running smoothly and quickly is a never-ending job. It seems like no time after you take your brand-new PC out of the box, your computer starts acting up and performing more like the old PC you got rid of than the new one it is supposed to be. While this is extremely frustrating, it can be prevented if you know what is causing your PC s poor performance and how to fix the problems behind it or avoid them in the first place.
The nastiest things that corrupt your PC are the things you can t see. Nasty bugs like viruses, adware and spyware can wreak havoc with your system without you even being aware of it. At their most lethal, viruses can completely destroy your PC s operation, but normally they just work to interfere with the daily operations of your computer. Adware and spyware, on the other hand, stay running in the background of your PC and can slow it down considerably.
Here s a closer look:
Computer viruses are PC software programs that you accidentally download to your computer through an email attachment or other type of download. Once installed on your computer, a virus can interfere with your PC s operation; record, corrupt or delete data; and spread itself to other computers through your network or the internet.
Spyware and adware are software programs that you download onto your computer along with many other software applications. This software is then used to track your online browsing habits so that you can be hit with pop ups that you will be more likely to respond to. Not only is this software an invasion of your privacy, it also can compromise your data and affect your PCs performance.
Not only can things that you download from the internet onto your computer affect its performance, software that is already installed or software that you install through your CD drive can also create problems. You see, some software that you have on your PC stays running in the background even if you are not using the program. This can dramatically affect your PC s execution times, especially if there is more than one hidden program running. To see if you have programs running in the background, press Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time. The box that pops up will show you all applications that are running.
Other things that can affect your PC s performance include a hard drive that is too full, not enough memory to perform tasks and a fragmented hard drive. All of these problems can be solved by performing routine maintenance on your PC or purchasing a software package that does it all for you. If you choose to do it yourself, you will need to manually go into your Windows System Tools and launch each program. Here you will find several system optimizers to help you free up your disk space, defragment your PC, and detect and repair disk errors.
Even the process of adding and deleting programs can affect your PC s performance. When you install and uninstall Windows programs, they leave behind parts or applications that can slow down your computer. You may even unknowingly delete a file needed for other software applications. This can result in a minor glitch or a complete failure with some programs or even your whole system.
Keep Your PC Performing Like New
One of the first things that you should do to protect your PC s performance is install a firewall if you don t already have one and use adequate security software to prevent intrusions. You should also have additional spyware and adware detectors if your security software does not have them.
You can also purchase additional software that will keep your system optimized on a regular basis and take care of all of the problems that we talked about. This is an advantage over doing it yourself because it is very easy to forget to perform maintenance, and let s face it; who has time to manually perform all of these functions?
You should also get a free hidden error scan to see if your PC is operating with any hidden errors that can ruin your PC s performance. Since 94% of computers do have hidden errors, yours probably does too, but hidden errors are easy to eliminate with the right software.
With all of these things that can affect your PC s performance, there is no wonder that it continually loses efficiency over time. But you can prevent it, if you stay on top of it.

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Using A Site Map Builder When Adding Google Sitemaps To Websites

Using a site map builder to add Google sitemaps to your website can be very beneficial. With Google sitemaps, you can inform search engines when you have new or updated content. This process allows search engines to more intelligently crawl your site, significantly reducing the amount of time it normally takes to index your pages. A site map builder is especially beneficial for any site with pages that are only accessible through a search.

The best part about sitemap protocol is that once it is in place, the submission process will be fully automated, giving you more time to concentrate on other aspects of your website. Smart webmasters love Google sitemaps because they can increase traffic without having to do a great deal of work.

Getting Started

If you are interested in adding Google sitemaps to your website, the first thing you will want to do is study the free tutorials that are available on the Google website. These tutorials can walk you through the entire process and answer almost any question you might have.

Your next step will be installing a Google sitemap generator. There are many different site map builder programs out there that will help you generate the sitemap. Some builders can also help you create an rss feed, an html sitemap, and other url submission lists.

Creating Google Site Maps

There are several things you will want to keep in mind when creating Google sitemaps. A sitemap must begin with an opening urlset tag and end with a closing urlset tag. It must also include a url entry for each url and a loc child entry for each url parent tag.

Another important rule to note is that sitemaps should be no larger than 10MB when uncompressed. They should also contain fewer than 50,000 urls. Anything more, and you will need to create multiple sitemap files.

If all of this sounds confusing to you, a site map builder will come in very handy. This program can take care of the trickier, and more time consuming portions of creating sitemaps.

Placing and Submitting Sitemaps

The best spot to put your sitemap is at the root directory of your html server. Once your sitemap is in place, you can validate the xml structure with one of the many free online sitemap validation programs. Validating now can save you from submission errors and a huge headache later on.

The final step is to submit your sitemap. To do this, you will need to sign up for a free Google account or sign in on your existing account if you already have one. Only first time submissions require the access of a Google account; resubmits have many other options.

Once your Google sitemaps have been accepted, you will notice your pages being indexed much faster. You may also see an increase in traffic. If you want to keep check on stats, you can request daily crawler reports. You may also be able to utilize follow up measures through your site map builder.

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The trouble with broadband

We live in an age of broadband connectivity, or do we? While other countries have long gone into double digits when it comes to broadband penetration India is lagging far behind. Last year we were at the abysmal figure of 0.2 percent penetration and the scene hasn t dramatically changed since then. In stark contrast the US had over 50 percent (53 percent as per the most recent report) in Q4 2006 and that US figure was the lowest among the Top 25 worldwide. In other words there are 25 nations where broadband penetration tops 50 percent and a dozen where the figure tops 60 percent.
So why is it that broadband is such a failure in this country? Is it lack of demand? Is it because there isn t enough content online in local languages? The answers to these questions are a resounding No to the first and a qualified Yes to the second. There is a lot of demand, pent up demand I may add, for broadband and while the lack of vernacular content is a cause for concern it is not a show stopper.
So what is preventing broadband from getting into single, forget double, digits? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, heck, it s shouting in a gale of indifference on part of ISPs. Why is it that even today after all the ballyhooing about how fiber has been laid to every office building in every city worth naming, the first reaction of any ISP if asked for a broadband connection is all too often that they have run out of ports? Or that your locality is not served?Go wireless and you will still encounter a solid wall of disinterest. Most cellular providers not only have ridiculous bandwidth caps but their tech support is non-existent. If I had a hundred rupee note for every time I have run up against a cellular company s support staff making some asinine suggestion about having to call from another line as they need me to turn my phone on and off to get GPRS working, I would have at least enough money for a meal at a five star.
So what is the answer to this mess? For one, the ISPs, particularly the incumbents who have the area coverage, need to wake up to two facts-people want broadband and that they must do away with download caps on entry-level plans. City-wide availability through DSL or WiMAX or whatever-else-they-can-come-up-with has to be a given. If an ISP isn t willing to serve all areas take away their licenses. Internet access cannot be denied. It may not be a fundamental right but it is essential if we are to compete in this information age.
On a related note, I believe that 3G, as and when it arrives, will fall flat on its face with a resounding thud in India. The fact that the people rolling it out are going to be the same geniuses who charge Rs 10 per MB downloaded and make threatening calls when you exceed your post-paid limit even though you have a free allowance of 1 GB does not lead one to believe that they are going to do any better with 3G than they have done with 2.5G. The ISPs are bad but the cellular providers are worse. Kind of like the frying pan and the fire.

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